MON Sept 22  

general introduction _ presentation of examples from similar workshops _ self presentation of the participants _ forming of the teams _ start Unreal Tournament (UT2003) _ play medieval level _ start Upaint to "costume" players


TUE Sept 23  

start Unreal Editor (UnrealED) _ edit geometry and change textures _ Ana Adamovic (photographer) talks about her visit to a familly in the north of Albania, which is affected by the "blood feud" problem


WEN Sept 24  

elaborate concept _ costume players _ collect images _ alter the spatial configuration of the level to fit the concept


THU Sept 25  

apply images and textures to the level _ Dr. Mark Tirta (ethnology professor) talks about historical aspects and developments regarding the "blood feud" and the "cannon"


FRI Sept 26  

refine level


SAT Sept 27  

finish the level and prepare for presentation _ PUBLIC PRESENTATION & PARTY


SUN Sept 28  

creation of the bilingual website and the CD (creating images, translating, cover design, printing, testing, copying, assembling)