Did you choose the right way? _ Zgjidh rrugen e duhur

In this level various options are presented to solve the situation of the blood feuds victims. The principal platform shows the present situation where people (victims of the vendettas) are locked in their safe houses in respect to the Canon of Lek Dukagjini. Three options are offered in response to this situation one, the emotional reaction is leading to a chamber (representing hell), the other, rational choice leads to the chamber representing purgatory. The third option is a balance between emotional and rational reactions as well as historical principles - and leads to heaven.

Ne kete nivel jane prezantuar disa mundesi per te zgjidhur situatat e viktimave te gjakmarrjes. Platforma kryesore tregon gjendjen e fillimit, ne te cilen njerezit (viktimat e gjakmarrjes) jane te mbyllur sipas Kanunit. Ne pergjigje te kesaj gjendjeje jane paraqitur tri zgjidhje: njera eshte nje veprim emocional, i cili te shpie ne nje dhome (qe paraqet ferrin); tjetra eshte zgjidhja racionale dhe te shpie ne dhomen qe paraqet purgatori. Ne se dikush zgjedh rrugen e trete, qe eshte nje ekuiliber mes zgjidhjeve emocionale, racionale dhe te respektit ndaj principeve historike-shkon ne parajse.

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Map for Unreal Tournament: dm-00_medieval_pirro_holta.ut2 to be placed in the map folder in Unreal Tournament


to be placed in the textures folder in Unreal Tournament
Player files for Upaint:


to be place in the characters folder of Upaint