Historical Background

Since the beginning of the 90ties up to the present, local and foreign media have reported more and more stories of murders and confinements of families in the North -and to a lesser degree in the South- of Albania, stories, which relate to the Canon of Lek Dukagjin. This regulating code concerning individual and tribal conduct in Albania has been in existence for hundreds of years. Over time the Canon has been distorted, and now it's interpretation is different compared to the true constitution, the Magna Carta Libertatum of the Albanians.
In his study of the Canon and its suppression during the socialist period, Professor Aurel Plasari recounted how communist practices alienated, suppressed and violently buried the code of Albanian customs. The collapse of the state after 1989 and the economy has forced many Albanians to turn to their old covenants, natural relationships (those of blood) to fill the void created by the lack of cultural links (work and class relations, social coexistence etc). These days, as a result of blood feuds, about 1500 families (800 are children) have confined themselves within the four walls of their houses under the terror of death, which waits outside. In this confinement their experience lacks any future, which in turn generates only feelings of hatred and revenge.



Historia e nisjes

Qe prej fillimit te viteve '90 deri me sot mjaft media vendase e te huaja kane pasqyruar mjaft histori vrasjesh e ngujimesh te familjeve shqiptare te Veriut - me pak ne Jug-, histori te cilat lidhen me Kanunin e Leke Dukagjinit. Ky kod rregullues i menyres se sjelljes e te jeteses te individeve e te fiseve ne Shqiperi eshte shtremberuar dhe tashme interpretimi i tij eshte i ndryshem nga ai i kodit origjinal, qe eshte quajtur edhe Magna Carta Libertatum e shqiptareve.

Ne studimin e tij te viteve '90 mbi Kanunin dhe mbi trajtimin e tij gjate periudhes socialiste, profesor Aurel Plasari tregon se si praktika komuniste e menjanoi, shtypi dhe dogji me dhune Kodin zakonor te shqiptareve. Kolapsi i shtetit dhe ekonomise pas viteve '89 i detyroi shume shqiptare t'u kthehen ligjeve te tyre te vjetra, lidhjeve natyrore (te gjakut) per te mbushur boshllekun e krijuar ne lidhjet kulturore (lidhjet e punes e te klasave, bashkekzistencen shoqerore). Si rezultat i gjakmarrjes, sot rreth 1500 familje (nder ta rreth 800 femije) jane mbyllur brenda kater mureve te shtepive te tyre nen tmerrin e vdekjes qe i pret jashte. Te mbyllur, pa asnje te ardhme apo shprese, ata gjenerojne vetem urrejtje dhe hakmarrje.


Project concept

A group of art activists, including writers and psychologists decided to develop a project, whose aim is to substitute the actual mediators (mass media and politicians), which have so far established ties between these families with the rest of the world, with virtual mediators: Art and Culture and Digital Technologies. The goal is to build new communication channels through written and visual materials, contributing to the development of an interactive web site. This will assist these isolated people to analyse themselves and communicate not only with the group of the artists but also with the rest of the community. The art activists, writers and psychologists on their part can analyse the impact of Culture, Art and Technology on every day life.



Koncepti i projektit

Nje grup aktivistesh artiste, duke perfshire shkrimtare dhe psikologe, vendosen te realizojne nje projekt, qelllimi i te cilit eshte te zevendesoje ndermjetesit e sotem (mass mediat dhe politikanet), te cilet deri me sot jane te vetmit ndermjetes te ketyre familjeve dhe pjeses tjeter te botes, me ndermjets virtuale: Artin, Kulturen dhe Teknologjite Dixhitale. Qellimi eshte te ndertohen kanale te reja komunikimi me ane te materialeve te shkruara dhe vizive, duke dhene ndihmese edhe me ane te nje web site interaktive, gje qe do te ndihmonte keta njerez te izoluar te analizoninn vetveten dhe te komunikojne jo vetem me grupin e organizatoreve te projektit, por edhe me pjesen tjeter te botes. Nga ana tjeter artistet aktiviste, shkrimtaret dhe psikologet do te analizojne ndikimin e kultures, artit dhe teknologjise ne jeten e perditeshme.

The title of the project is: "E-mail from the Medieval Ages". The project is considered to be ‘a travel in time’. A travel into the past, enabling a group of art activists, writers and psychologists to provide the isolated inhabitants with new technology, to correct their present situation and to secure their future, side by side with the other more developed part of our community.
Computers will be installed in the home of at least 100 confined families in blood feud. The families would have access to the Internet, helping them to be better educated, and providing alternative ways of thinking for their children.
At the same time, art activists and writers, who are familiar with basic computer programmes, such as Word, Paint, e-mail software and the Internet would train members of these families, mainly children to use these programmes to directly communicate with the world and one another through electronic mail, drawings etc. This could also facilitate communication among adversaries. By providing the opportunities to express themselves freely and anonymously, their opinion would be more open and their ideas more daring.

The project will include the construction of an interactive web game and a chat room.


Titulli i projektit eshte 'E-mail nga Mesjeta'. Projekti eshte si nje udhetim ne kohe: nje udhetim ne te kaluaren i nje grupi artistesh aktiviste, shkrimtaresh e psikologesh, per te ndihmuar banoret e izoluar me ane te teknologjive te reja te korrigjojne te tashmen e te sigurojne nje te ardhme krahas pjeses tjeter te bashkesise me te perparuar.
Eshte menduar te instalohen kompjutera ne shtepine e rreth 100 familjeve te perfshira ne zakonin e gjakmarrjes dhe t'u sigurohet atyre lidhja me internetin. Kjo gje do te ndihmoje ata dhe femijet e tyre te mesojne e te mendojne ndryshe.
Ne te njejten kohe artistet aktiviste, shkrimtaret e psikologet do te trajnojne pjestaret e ketyre familjeve, sidomos femijet, me njohurite baze te programeve te kompjuterit, si: Word, Paint, perdorim e-mail dhe internetit, duke i bere keshtu te afte te komunikojne drejt perdrejt me boten dhe me njeri tjetrit me ane te postes elektronike, etj. Kjo do te mund te lehtesonte edhe komunikimin ndermjet kundershtareve, pasi duke mundur te komunikojne ne menyre anonime, mendimet e tyre do te jene me te drejtperdrejta dhe me te guximshme.

Projekti do te perfshije nje web game interactive dhe nje chat room.