Heinrichstrasse 267/43 8005 Zürich Switzerland 0041 (0)44440 1771 |
maia @, born: 14.12.1960, Nationality: Swiss, Languages: German, English, French, Italian |
Professional Positions _ Degrees _ Education _ Additional Studies _ Research _ Teaching _ Publications _ Talks _ Exhibitions and Performances _ Consulting _ Memberships |
10/2005 - | Assistant Professor, School of Interactive Arts & Technology, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada | |
02/2005 - 07/2005 | Guest Lecturer, Graz University of Technology, Austria, | |
05/2004 - 11/2004 | Research Coordinator, University of Art + Design, Basel | |
03/2004 - 07/2004 |
Guest Professor, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria |
06/2003 - 02/2004 | Researcher, University of Art + Design, Basel | |
01/2003 - 05/2003 |
Guest Professor, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
05/2002 - 06/2002 |
Guest Lecturer, Hyperwerk, Basel | |
05/2001 - 06/2001 |
Guest Professor, University of Kassel, Germany |
01/2001 - 01/2002 |
Leader ETH World Center, ETH Zürich |
03/1998 - 04/2002 |
Ad interim Head of the Chair for Architecture and CAAD, ETH Zürich |
05/1996 - 04/2002 |
Assistant Professor for Architecture and CAAD, ETH Zürich |
04/1994 - 04/1996 |
Junior Faculty, Chair for Architecture and CAAD, Prof. Dr. G. Schmitt, ETH Zürich |
08/1992 - 02/1994 |
Researcher, Visible Language Workshop, Prof. M. Cooper, Media-Lab, MIT, USA |
07/1991 - 07/1992 |
Junior Faculty, Chair for Architecture and CAAD, Prof. Dr. G. Schmitt, ETH Zürich |
09/1988 - 07/1990 |
Junior Faculty, Chair for Architecture and CAAD, Prof. Dr. G. Schmitt, ETH Zürich |
07/1988 - 07/1990 |
own Architecture Office |
07/1987 - 06/1988 |
Architect, Gerber und Hungerbühler Architects, Zürich |
04/1987 - 06/1987 |
Teacher, CAD/CAM-Praxis, Prof. Dr. M. Engeli, ETH Zürich |
10/1986 - 03/1987 |
Architect, Burkhard & Partner Architects, Zürich |
1979 - 1986 |
Tester, writer, programmer, CAD/CAM group, Fides Informatik, Zürich (1-3 months/year) |
1991 |
Master in Design Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA |
1986 |
Dipl. Architect, ETH Zürich |
1980 |
Matura Type C (Mathematics and Natural Sciences), Zürich |
2002 - |
Planetary Collegium, online PhD Program, School of Computing, University of Plymouth, UK |
1992 - 1994 |
Media-Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA |
1990 - 1991 |
Design Studies, Graduate School of Design (GSD), Harvard University, USA |
1980 - 1986 |
Architecture, ETH Zürich |
1975 - 1980 |
Mathematics and Natural Sciences High School, Zürich |
1967 - 1975 |
primary and secondary education, USA and Zürich |
1986 - 1992 |
Mathematics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, and New Media, Department of Computer Science ETH Zürich, Department of Electrical Engineering ETH Zürich, Department of Information Technology University of Zürich, and the MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, USA |
1982 - 1983 |
Italian Language Studies, Polytechnico Internazionale, Jesi, Italy. |
FUNDED RESEARCH : 1991-2004 |
Living Room |
Application of augmented reality to virtually enhanced
a 'real' world space, at the University of Art+Design Basel, funded by
KTI Switzerland, |
Perform Space |
To change the way people create and deal with space by
considering it from a new perspective: the performative!, at the University
of Art+Design Basel, funded by KTI Switzerland |
Teaching Network |
Support for a critical discourse on the potential of New
Media and their introduction to academic learning situations at ETH Zürich,
funded by ETH Zürich, |
Blue C. |
Immersive virtual environment for face-to-face remote collaboration,
priority research project of ETH Zürich, |
Creative Collaboration |
Development of an authoring tool for networked environments,
funded by ETH Zürich, |
Knowledge Territory |
New views and access to information, nationally funded
research project (KTI), |
Authoring Tool for Creative Collaboration | Development of a tool for the design of complex processes that
i) evolve over time, ii) result in one or several products, iii) involve
multiple participants and iv) include uncertainties with Marcia Pereira, Kerstin Höger, ETH funded research project, 1999-2001 |
IT for Virtual Companies |
Visual access to information and collaborative processes,
nationally funded research project (KTI), |
virtual library | Unique ways of tracing, sharing and enriching the knowledge
stored in a library, with Mishka Bugajska, Andrew Vande Moere, Kai Strehlke, supported by the ETH library,1999 |
Pompeian Red | Large-scale projections and simulations to create spatial
impressions of renovation proposals, |
| | A contribution to the discussion about architecture and virtuality.
The House" is a virtual address in the most virtual of places, the
Internet, where images form the spaces . Everybody can visit and enrich
the "house" through his or her visit, (offline
since 2002) with David Kurmann, Fabio Gramazio, and Herzog & de Meuron Architects, 1997 |
'Alter Ego'-Lernen im Dialog mit dem Computer |
A learning environment with a personal agent to monitor
the learning process, to provide support, and to motivate further progress, |
Multi Agent Interaction in a Complex Virtual Design Environment | Specialized interface agents to support the designer, and multi-agent
simulations to further explore the design of new artifacts are combined
with the VR modeling tool Sculptor, with David Kurmann and Prof. B. Faltings, LIA, EPFL, nationally funded research project (NFP, Schwerpunktprogramm Informatik), 1994-1996 |
Music and Sound library | Interface for large music or sound libraries allowing to retrieve
and access specific items through visual manipulation of computed and manually
defined qualities. sponsored by NYNEX Telecommunications, 1994 |
NYNEX Video Database | Large-scale visual interface for a big video repository, allowing
for content-based visual machine feedback supporting the analysis of the
content of the recorded material, sponsored by NYNEX telecommunications, 1993 |
Sketch-based Video editing | Automated analysis of videos and development of a seamless,
sketch-based, visual editing interface, with David Small, Karen Donoghue, sponsored by NYNEX Telecommunications, 1992 |
Types and Instances | Conceptualization and implementation of new design principles,
tools, and interaction, ETH funded research project, with Leandro Madrazo, 1991-1992 |
Sonic images | Interface that translates mouse movements over images into
music, graduate project, MIT Media Lab. 1991 |
TEACHING : 1998-2005 |
dollhouse | Idealistic Virtuality in Unreal Tournament: A Playful Discourse within a Facade-less World,, Institut für Architektur und Medien, Faculty of Architecture, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Alice im Wunderland |
Spielend mit Spielen spielen, Spielmodifikationen mit politischem, gesellschaftlichem oder kulturellem Inhalt,, Universität der Angewandten Künste, Wien, Österreich.
Medieval Unreality | Approaching and illustrating the "blood feud"
problematic through the creation of levels for a first-person shooter
game, |
Parkstad II |
Unreal Discourse II : emotional_impact, a multidisciplinary course, in the "Mediated Discourse" series of courses, on the use of different media to support and enhance immanent information and communication needs in architecture, elective 3rd and 4th semester course, |
outside-inside-out |
3D Multimedia: Combining rapid prototyping and game
editing to introduce the newest media available for architects, 2nd year
course, (currently
offline) |
Metaworx Unreal |
Seeking the potential of first-person shooter games to
reveal strong messages, workshop, |
Parkstad I |
unreal discourse : parkstad_level, a multidisciplinary course, in the "Mediated Discourse" series of courses, on the use of different media
to support and enhance immanent information and communication needs in
architecture, elective 3rd and 4th semester course, |
Hyperlevel |
A workshop to seek the potential of first-person shooter
games to reveal strong messages, |
Notations in Space and Time III |
Programming relations between objects in MAYA, elective
course, |
Notations in Space and Time II |
Programming relations between objects in MAYA, elective
course, |
Contaminated Space II |
Mixing bits, atoms and ideas, workshops, studios and installation,
postgraduate program,
Recombinant Realities |
Exhibition in a virtual museum, elective course, |
Digital Territory III |
Discovering the fun and the evil of digital networks, mandatory
2nd semester course, |
[connectionz] |
Digital 3D scenarios showing the invisible, mandatory 4th
semester course,
Contaminated Space |
Mixing bits, atoms and ideas, workshops, studios and installation,
postgraduate program,
Notations in Space and Time |
Programming relations between objects in MAYA, elective
course, |
[roomz] |
Digital 3D scenarios showing the invisible, mandatory 3th
semester course,
Dreamscape |
A collectively designed information landscape, mandatory
1st semester course,
Level5 |
Level design for the quake first person shooter game, study
week, |
Altered Substance |
Physical and virtual proposals for the Cyborg exhibition
at the Dampfzentrale Bern, elective course, |
Hyperräume II |
Collaborative digital hyperstory space to reveal architectonic
ideas, mandatory 4th semester course, |
Digital Territory II |
Discovering the fun and the evil of digital networks, mandatory
2nd semester course,
Raumgeschichten II |
Collaborative digital story space to reveal architectonic
ideas, mandatory 3rd semester course, |
Information Landscape II |
Creation of a common, visual information landscape, mandatory
1st semester course, |
ParamCity |
Collaboratively programming a parametric City with MET++,
elective course,, |
Robots and Dynamic Architecture |
Explorations of dynamic behavior within spaces and dynamically
behaving spaces, study week, |
(courses taught before 1998 are documented at | ||
PUBLICATIONS : 1998-2006 |
Maia Engeli | strip – shift – impose – recycle – overload – spill – breakout – abuse Artists' (Mis‑)Appropriations of Shooter Games, in Games Without Frontiers - War Without Tears. Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon, Andreas Jahn-Sudmann and Ralf Stockmann Eds., forthcoming 2006. | |
Engeli Maia | Margarete Jahrmann und Max Moswitzer, Nybble-Engine, in gamescenes - art & videogame, Costa and Nolan Eds, forthcoming 2006 | |
Engeli Maia Nina Czegledy |
Medieval Unreality - Initiating an Artistic Discourse on Albania’s Blood Feud with a First-Person Shooter Game, in Videogames and Art, Grethe Mitchel, Andy Clarke Eds., Intellect Books, London, forthcoming, 2006 |
Engeli Maia | Aesthetics Within Ego Shooter Games. in Engineering Nature - Art and Consciousness in the Post-Biological Era, R. Ascott Ed., Intellect Books, Bristol, U.K., 2006 | |
Nina Czegledy Engeli Maia |
Medieval Unreality – Reflecting on Ancient Blood Feud Traditions in a Contemporary Ego-Shooter Game, in aminima::publicacion de arte actual, Barcelona, Nr. 16, 2006 | |
Engeli Maia | The Flow of Ideas in Telematic Environments, in proceedings of Digital Arts & Culture (DAC) conference 2005, IT University (ITU) of Copenhagen, Denmark, December 1-3, 2005 | |
Engeli Maia | Conceptual Design Schemes for the Flow of Ideas in Telematic Learning Environments, in proceedings of E-Learn 2005, World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, Vancouver, BC Canada, Oct. 24-28, 2005 | |
Engeli Maia | Noble Dollhouses, Violent Shooter Games: Reality, Abstraction and Shifting Perspectives, in proceedings of Altered States: transformations of perception, place, and performance, Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth. 22 - 24 July 2005, DVD, LiquidPress, Plymouth, UK, 2005 | |
Engeli Maia | Review: "First Person: New Media as Story, Performance and Game" by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan, Editors Book Review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, February 2005 | |
Engeli Maia |
Alice in Wonderland or Playing Games with Games, in Proceedings 'QI and Complexity' Consciousness Reframed Conference, November 24-27, 2004, Beijing, China. | |
Engeli Maia | Review: "Ars Electronica 2004 - The Exhibitions", Linz, Austria, September 2-7, 2004, Conference Review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, October 2004 | |
Maia Engeli, Roderick Galantay, Jan Torpus | “living-room” - Interactive, Space-Oriented Augmented Reality, in Proceedings ACM Multimedia, MM’04, October 10-16, 2004, New York, New York, USA. | |
Engeli Maia | Review: "Design Research: Methods and Perspectives" by Brenda Laurel, Editor, The MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003, Book Review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, August 2004 | |
Engeli Maia | Information Invasion and a New Architectonic Challenge, in fabric | ch, Pro Helvetia, May 2004 | |
Engeli Maia | Review: Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals, Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman, 2003, Book Review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, April 2004 | |
Engeli Maia |
Altering Space in First-Person Shooter Games, Sensorial
Networks Conference, Fortaleza, Brasil, November 29/30, 2003 |
Engeli Maia | Reflection and Expression in an Ego-Shooter Environment, SIGradI2003 - Digital Culture and Difference Conference, Rosario, Brasil, November 5-7, 2003 | |
Engeli Maia | ARS ELECTRONICA 2003: CODE ' The Language of our Time, Linz, Austria, Sept 2003, Conference Review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, October 2003 | |
Engeli Maia | MESSAGES for a First Person Perspective, COSIGN, Computational Semiotics in Games and New Media, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK, September 10-12, 2003 | |
Engeli Maia |
Aesthetics Within Ego Shooter Games, Consciousness Reframed, Newport, UK, July 2-5, 2003 |
Engeli Maia |
Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative, by Mark Stephen Maedows, New Rider’s, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2003, Book Review, Leonardo Digital Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, June 2003 and Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Volume 11, Number 6, June 2003 |
Stouffs Rudi, Engeli Maia, Bige Tuncer |
Mediated Discourse as a Form of Architectonic Intervention, AVOCAAD - added value of computer aided architectural design, Brussels, April 3-5, 2003 |
Engeli Maia et al. |
Interface Theory, in anomalie_3, Madeleine Aktypi, Susanna Lotz, Emanuele Qiunz, Eds., Anomos, Paris, 2003 |
Engeli Maia |
'artmedia 8 - from aesthetics of communication to net art', Paris, 29.11.- 3.12.2002, conference review, Leonardo Reviews, MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, December 2002 |
Engeli Maia |
Game in Progress – Virtuelle Räume und Gemeinschaften am Beispiel von Ego-Shooter-Games, in Archithese 4.02, Zürich, July 2002. |
Engeli Maia |
From within - Revealing Architectonic Ideas in Virtual Reality, in arquitectureanimatió, Fredy Massad, Alicia Guerrero Yeste, Eds., ISBN: 84-88258-88-7, June 2002, pp. 210-227 |
Engeli Maia et al. |
ETH World: Visions and Realities, MiniCD ROM, published by ETH World Center, Zürich, January 2002. |
Engeli Maia |
A Computer Lady's Perspective, Archis 4/2001, Netherlands, pp. 22-24, August 2001. |
Engeli Maia et al. |
ETH World: 14 Pioneer Projects, MiniCD ROM, published by ETH World Center/Corporate Communications ETH Zürich, June 2001. |
Engeli Maia, Strehlke Kai |
[roomz]&[connectionz] - Scenarios in Space and Time, in proceedings of: CAAD Futures 2001, Eindhoven, July 8-11 2001. |
Engeli Maia, Stäger Benjamin |
IT for Virtual Enterprises: Meta-Visualizations of Document Structures, in proceedings of: EIA8 2001, Delft, April 25-27 2001, pp. 181-193. |
Engeli Maia, Phillipe Carrard Eds. |
Conceptual Competition ETH World: Virtual and Physical Presence, gta editions, Zürich, 176 p. + CD, 2001. |
Engeli Maia Ed. |
bits and spaces - Architecture and Computing for Physical, Virtual, Hybrid Realms, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 208 p. + CD, 2001. |
Engeli Maia |
Digital Stories - Poetics of Communication,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Boston, Berlin, 100 p., 2000. |
Engeli Maia |
Spazii, storie, poetica - rappresentazione architettonica con i nuovi media, archi, Edizioni Casagrande SA, Bellinzona, Switzerland, Gennaio 2000. |
Engeli Maia, Hirschberg Urs |
Creative Collaboration via Networks: Systems, Processes and the Unexpected, in proceedings of: DCNet'99, Sydney, Australia, November 1999. |
Engeli Maia, Müller Andre |
Digital Environments for Learning and Collaboration - Architecture, Communication, Creativity, in proceedings of: ACADIA'99, Salt Lake City, U.S.A. October 1999. |
Engeli Maia |
Networked Environments for Learning and Creative Collaboration, in proceedings of: SEFI 1999, Winterthur/Zurich, Switzerland, September 1999. |
Engeli Maia |
Cyberspace, Cybereinseignement, Cyberculture, Cyberarchitecture,
Flash-Informatique, Special Issue, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 1999,
and |
Engeli Maia |
Alles nur eine Frage der Intelligenz?, Die Weltwoche, SPEZIAL: Wenn die Häuser denken lernen!, Zürich, Switzerland, June 1999. |
Engeli Maia |
Lehren, Lernen und Arbeiten im digitalen Umfeld, io management, Handelszeitung Fachverlag, Zürich, Switzerland, June, 1999. |
Engeli Maia, Bugajska Mishka |
A Collectively Designed Information Landscape, in proceedings of: AVOCAAD conference, Brussels, Belgium, April 8-10, 1999. |
Engeli Maia, Hirschberg Urs |
Narratives, Networks and Architecture - Collectively Exploring Ideas about Space, Design Computing on the Net '98 (DCNet'98), The International Journal of Design Computing, Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney, Australia, December1998. |
Engeli Maia, Sibenaler Patrick |
Discovering the Digital Territory, Session VIII: Cyber Communication, in proceedings of: EuropIA conference, Paris, France, November 26-27, 1998. |
Engeli Maia, Weder Andreas |
Information Technology - Discovering New Spaces for Design, in proceedings of: Fide'98, Int. conference on first year architectural design education, Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey, October 1998. |
for publications before 1998 see: |
Dec 7, 2005 | "Spielend mit Spielen spielen: First Person Shooter Game Modding als Lernprozess und künstlerische Aussage", Neue Medienkunst, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Zürich, Switzerland | |
Dec 1, 2005 | "The Flow of Ideas in Telematic Environments", Digital Arts & Culture (DAC) conference 2005, December 1-3, 2005, IT University (ITU) of Copenhagen, Denmark. | |
Nov 29, 2005 | "Playful Play with Games: Linking Level Editing to Learning in Art and Design", Visual Arts and Communication Design, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey | |
Oct 25, 2005 | "Conceptual Design Schemes for the Flow of Ideas in Telematic Learning Environments", E-Learn 2005 - World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Health Care, and Higher Education, October 22-25, 2005, Vancouver, Canada. | |
July 24, 2005 | "Noble Dollhouses, Violent Shooter Games- Reality, Abstraction and Shifting Perspectives", Conference: Altered States: transformations of perception, place, and performance, July 22-24, 2005, University of Plymouth, U.K. | |
June 17, 2005 | "Playful Play with Games: Linking Level Editing to Learning in Art and Design", 2005 DiGRA international Conference, Changing Views: Worlds in Play, June 16-20, Vancouver, Canada. | |
June 7, 2005 | "Game Design and Future Architecture", Festival Science & Cité + BrainFair Zürich 2005 | |
April 19, 2005 | "From Dreamspace to MÄDUnreal and Beyond", Department of Architecture, University of Washington, Seattle, USA. | |
April 15, 2005 | "Changing the Game - A Taxonomy of Artistic Alterations of First-Person Shooter Games", in Class: Visual Thinking, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO, USA. | |
April 14, 2005 | "Changing the Game - A Taxonomy of Artistic Alterations of First-Person Shooter Games", in Class: History and Theory of Digital Art, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. | |
April 13, 2005 | "Magic Circles", Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D), Department of Computer Science and Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. | |
April 6, 2005 | "Changing the Game—Examples of Shifting the Meaning in the First-Person Shooter Game Unreal Tournament", Shaping Consciousness Symposium, April 6-7, 2005, The Dallas Museum of Art, Texas, USA. | |
Nov 24, 2004 | "Alice in Wonderland or Playing Games with Games", Consciousness Reframed Conference 'QI and Complexity' November 24-27, 2004, Beijing, China. | |
Oct 15, 2004 | "Medieval Unreality - Reflecting on Ancient Blood Feud Traditions in a Contemporary Ego-Shooter Game", with Nina Czegledy, Conference: Old And New Forms: A Post-Traditional Technography Of World Media Arts, New Forms Festival 2004: October 14-28, 2004, Vancouver, Canada. |
Oct 12, 2004 | “living-room - Interactive, Space-Oriented Augmented Reality", ACM Multimedia, MM’04, October 10-16, 2004, New York, New York, USA. | |
Oct 2, 2004 | "Von Hyperlevel bis MÄDUnreal", 'right time right place' Conference, Hyperwerk Basel, Switzerland, Sept. 29.-Oct. 3, 2004. | |
June 24, 2004 | "Reflection and Expression: First-Person Shooter Game", in Panel 'The Future of Certainty', Conversation: Enacting new Synergies in Arts and Sciences, 3rd SLS European Conference, Paris. June 23-26, 2004. | |
June 2, 2004 | "Ego-Shooter als Denkraum", TU Wien, Vienna, Austria | |
May 6, 2004 | "Alice in Ego-Shooter Land - Messages for a First-Person Perspective", University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria | |
April 29, 2004 | "Alice in Ego-Shooter Land - Messages for a First-Person Perspective", ciber@art Festival of New Technologies, Art +Communication, Bilbao, Spain, | |
Nov 29, 2003 | "Altering Space in First-Person Shooter Games", Sensorial
Networks Conference, Fortaleza, Brasil |
Nov 6, 2003 | "Reflection and Expression in an Ego-Shooter Environment", SIGradI2003 - Digital Culture and Difference Conference, Rosario, Brasil. | |
Sept 11, 2003 | "MESSAGES for a First Person Perspective", COSIGN, Computational Semiotics in Games and New Media, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK. | |
July 3, 2003 |
"Aesthetics Within Ego Shooter Games", Consciousness Reframed, Newport, UK. |
April 11, 2003 | "Bluring Realities", Panel, Nomadic Transitions, Zurich, Switzerland. | |
Dec 6, 2002 |
"bitsandspaces - a Book, an Installation, a Virtual Environment and a Computer Game", guest lecture, University of Plymouth, UK. |
August 7, 2002 |
"LevelsByArchitectsAndAgentsOfChange", CAiiA-STAR Symposium,, Perth, Australia. |
August 4, 2002 |
"Affected by Cybercreatures – Seeking Essential Digital Properties", Consciousness Reframed,, Perth, Australia. |
March 12, 2002 |
"SpielFaktorPerspektive", Vorträge zur Kunst, Abteilung Bildende Kunst, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel, Switzerland. |
Jan 25, 2002 |
"Mobility and Smart Architectural Tasks", at mobility : immobility, a2b International Architecture Symposium 02, Basel, Switzerland. |
Dec 13, 2001 |
"levelsbyarchitects", guest lecture at the gamesetandmatch conference, TU Delft, Nederlands. |
Nov 8, 2001 |
9/11-N2N, Networks to Nanosystems, Art, Science and Technology in Times of Crisis, a series of digitally mediated dialogues, round table participant, UC Digital Arts Research Network (UC DARNet), international conference UC Santa Cruz, UCLA, and UC Irvine, USA. |
Oct 27, 2001 |
"Spaces and Species", VIPER, Festival for Film, Video and New Media, Basel, Switzerland |
Oct 25, 2001 |
"open-source and creative collaboration" with Kerstin Höger, keynote, ncc48, netART community congress, 48 hours, non-stop, online and onsite, Graz, Austria. |
Sept 23, 2001 |
Conference resume presentation, with Phoebe Sengers, cast01-living in mixed realities, Bonn, Germany |
July 12, 2001 |
"ETHWorld Competition - A Collection of Ideas", Extreme Parameters - New Dimensions of Interactivity, Barcelona, Spain. |
May 23, 2001 |
"Notations in Space and Time", University of Kassel, Germany. |
May 11, 2001 |
"ETHWorld Competition - A Collection of Ideas", ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland. |
May 11, 2001 |
"ETHWorld Competition - A Collection of Ideas", National Technical University Athens, Greece, Videoconference |
April 6, 2001 |
"ETHWorld Competition - A Collection of Ideas", ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland. |
March 30, 2001 |
"ETHWorld Competition - A Collection of Ideas", ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland. |
March 7, 2001 |
"[roomz]&[connectionz]", Videoconference, Florida International University, Miami, USA. |
Nov 11, 2000 |
"Vernetzte Zusammenarbeit", "Die Zukunft: Gewinn oder Verlust der individuellen Freiheit", REEL 2000, Zürich |
Aug 26, 2000 |
"Architektur im Cyberspace, Neue Medien, Neue Bilder, Neue Räume, Neue Poesie", Symposium "Metamorphosen, Internationale Musikfestspiele Luzern |
July 10, 2000 |
"Kreative Kollaboration im Cyberspace", Hauptrednerin "Planen und Kommunizieren von neuen Arbeitswelten", USM Haller, Bühl, Germany |
April 4, 2000 |
"Dreams in Cyberspace", Design|Media Arts, University of California, Los Angeles, USA. |
Feb 16, 2000 |
"CAAD ETHZ", School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Toronto, Canada. |
Feb 2, 2000 |
"Raum und Traum - Wenn Gedanken sichtbar werden", with Patrick Sibenaler, Digital Brainstorming, Zürich, Switzerland. |
Jan 28, 2000 |
"Infomapping", Hochschule Rapperswil, Switzerland. |
Jan 20, 2000 |
"Kreative Zusammenarbeit in digitalen Netzwerken", Videoconference, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. |
Oct 29, 1999 |
"Digital Environments for Learning and Creative Collaboration", ACADIA 1999: Media and Design Process, Snowbird, Utah, USA |
Sept 28, 1999 |
VISDOME Demonstrationen - Möglichkeiten und Potential von Grossprojektionen, STV (Schweizerischer Technischer Verband) Zürich, Switzerland |
Sept 2, 1999 |
"Networked Environments for Learning and Creative Collaboration", Engineering Education: Rediscovering the Centre, SEFI (European Society for Engineering Education) annual conference, Zürich, Switzerland. |
Aug 8, 1999 |
"Learning and Creative Collaboration in Networked Environments", NLT (New Learning Technologies) Conference, Berne, Switzerland. |
June 18, 1999 |
"Kreative Zusammenarbeit in digitalen Netzwerken", Architekturforum Ostschweiz, St. Gallen, Switzerland. |
June 15, 1999 |
Ko&Co, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. |
May 7, 1999 |
"Networked Learning Environments - Exploration of the Digital Realm", Swiss Virtual Campus, University of Geneva, Switzerland. |
April 24, 1999 |
VISDOME Demonstrationen - Möglichkeiten und Potential von Grossprojektionen, SZFF (Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Fenster und Fassadenbau) Tagung, Zürich, Switzerland. |
Dec 4, 1998 |
"Vernetzte Lernumgebungen - Neues Lernen im neuen Territorium", NET (Network for Educational Technology) Tagung, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. |
Sept 15, 1998 |
"Virtuelle Informationsumgebungen", SIA (Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverband) Winterthur, Switzerland. |
April 3, 1998 |
"CSCW-Computer Supported Collaborative Work", Videokonferenz |
Jan 19, 1998 |
"Informationsräume- Zusammenarbeit, Transparenz und Motivation in vernetzten Lernumgebungen", Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. |
2005 | dollhouse at Project X and the Planetary Collegium, Dallas, Texas, USA, April 9, 2005. | |
2004 | Medieval Unreality at "alt+ctrl",
Festival of Independent and Alternative Games, University of California,
Irvine, USA, Oct 5 - Nov 23, 2004. with Nina Czegledy |
2004 | Male Tooth at "Out Of Scale" at the Plymouth Arts Centre, Plymouth UK, June 17-July 11, 2004 | |
2003 | Unreal Workshop - parkstad_level, TU Delft, |
2001 |
ETHWorld Competition Video, Festival Science & Cité, Zürich, Switzerland, May 8-11, 2001 |
2001 |
Digital Mirror II at "Die lange Nacht der Museen", |
2000 |
Computer Game and Video Installation at "Die lange
Nacht der Museen", |
2000 |
Raum und Traum, Multi-Media Performance, VISDOME, ETH Zürich,
Switzerland |
2000 |
la fabrique, Virtual exhibition in the blaxxun environment
of Canal+, France |
2000 |
Level+, Computer Game Installation, Digital Playground,
Rüschlikon, Switzerland |
1999 |
Synworld, Installation, Vienna, Austria |
1999 |
Neue Medien - Domain-Node-Newcomers&Cracks-Interface-Processor-ThinkTank,
Multi-Media Performance, Zeughäuser, Zürich, Switzerland |
1999 |
Virginia Filmfestival, Virginia, USA |
1999 |
Virtual Library, Installation, Main Library, ETH Zürich,
Switzerland |
1998 |
Robots and Dynamic Architecture, Multi-Media Performance
with Robots, Digital Brainstorming, Zürich, Switzerland |
2006 - | Member Board of Directors, T.E.A.S - the Escape Artists Society, Vancouver , BC, Canada | |
2005 | Peer Reviewer for "Technoetic Arts: a journal of speculative research", Intellect, Bristol, U.K. | |
2005 May-July |
Thesis Mentor, Interaction Design, School of Art and Design Zurich, Switzerland |
2004 November |
Jury Member, FEIDAD Award (Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award), first stage jury for "Digital Architecture Design", second stage jury for "Digital Space Animation", Taiwan |
2004 October |
Jury Member, "right time right place", HyperwerkThesis Presentations,, Basel, Switzerland |
2004 September |
Reviewer for caadfutures "Learning from the past - a foundation for the future", June 2005, Vienna, Austria |
2003 November |
Jury Member, FEIDAD Award (Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award), first stage jury for "Digital Architecture Design", second stage jury for "Digital Space Animation", Taiwan |
2003 May | Swiss Peer Review, 2nd Phase, Evaluation of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, Switzerland | |
2002 November |
Jury Member, FEIDAD Award (Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award), first stage jury for "Digital Architecture Design", second stage jury for "Digital Space Animation", Taiwan |
2002 October |
Reviewer for IJCD, International Journal for Design Computing, Australia |
2002 October |
Jury Member, BOSCH Architektur Preis, Switzerland |
2002 October |
Evaluator, "Europäische Medienwissenschaften", BA Course of Studies, Potsdam, Germany |
2002 September |
Thought Leader, "Mobile Life: The realistic scenarios", First Tuesday, Zürich, Switzerland |
2002 September |
Final Critic, Bauhaus Dessau, "serve city", Germany |
2002 April |
Consultant, MetaWorX, support fund for a national project among design and new media universities by Migros Kulturprozent, Switzerland |
2002 March |
Reviewer for "Design Knowledge Sharing" at the 9th ISPE international conference on concurrent engineering, Cranfield University, U.K., July 2002 |
2002 March |
Reviewer for Birkhäuser Publishers, Switzerland |
2002 March |
Jury Member, HY22 Thesis Show, Hyperwerk Basel, Switzerland |
2002 February |
Scientific Committee, "Architecture Goes Wild", Kas Oosterhuis, 010 Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands |
2001 October |
Jury Member in the e-competition "Possible Futures", Biennale Miami+ Beach 2001, USA |
2001 September |
Evaluator, FILEP: Fonds zur Finanzierung lehrbezogener Projekte, ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
2001 May-August |
Swiss Peer Review, Evaluation of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, Switzerland |
2001 February |
Evaluator, Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur, Vienna, Austria |
2000 August |
Evaluator, Technology Foundation STW, Netherlands |
1999-2000 |
Consultant, Planning of the New Media Center "TransZone", City of Zürich, Switzerland |
1999-2001 |
Consultant, Hyperlearning, network among heads of schools, Canton of Zürich, Switzerland |
1998-2000 |
Consultant, EXPO.02, Swiss National Exhibition, Switzerland |
1999 |
Evaluator, FWF Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Vienna, Austria |
1999 |
Consultant, Game Over, Exhibition at the Museum for Design, Zürich, Switzerland |
1998 |
Consultant, Information and Communication Technology and the Quality of Learning, OECD, Paris, France |
1995 |
Consultant, Interactive Media, Ringier Electronic Publishing with Jan Marek, Zürich, Switzerland |
1994-1995 |
Consultant, Interactive Media, Jan Marek, Word and Vision, Zürich, Switzerland |
1994-1995 |
Consultant, AART, Internet Project, GSMBA (Swiss Association of painters, sculptors, architects and visual artists), Switzerland |
DiGRA | Digital Games Research Association, | |
CAA | College Art Association, | |
Rhizome | online platform for the global new media art community, | |
ASCI | Art & Science Collaborations, Inc., | |
ludic society | Society for Game Arts and Optional Paradigms, founding member, | |
LEONARDO Reviews | Active reviewer since 2002, | |
SWITCH Award | Permanent jury member, Innovation Award of the Swiss Education and Research Network, | |
SIGRADI | Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital | |
Association for Computing Machinery, |